Our Students (Grades 7-12+) are invited to join us for our Annual Christmas Banquet on Friday, December 1 at 5:30pm till 10:30pm.
Registration is required and will be available on Friday, November 17th. Please register by November 24th!
Cost is $20 per student and $15 for additional siblings. Payment may be made at Lytehouse prior to the event or to the church office (emt to give@bethesda.ca and put Youth Banquet and student names in the memo).
Students will have a choice of meals, either Chinese food or Chicken fingers and fries. Meal option selected during registration.
5:30p - Doors Open (check in and photo booth) [Foyer & Sanctuary]
6:00p - Banquet Begins / Meals Served (games, giveaways, etc) [Gym]
7:00p - Live Entertainment [Gym]
7:30p - LYMMY Awards [Gym]
9:00p - After Party
10:30p - Dismissal/Pick Up
Times are approximate, parents should be ready to pick up students by 10:30 PM.
Students like to dress up for this banquet (although, this isn’t required). If dressing up, many students like to bring a change of clothing for the after party.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Email Pastor Crystal.